Voice Cloak Plus provides VoIP recording for recording internet phone conversations. Use Voice Cloak Plus with the following applications: Skype, Yahoo! Messenger, MSN Messenger, AIM, Google Talk, and ICQ. For specific versions,
Note: To begin recording, always open Voice Cloak Plus before launching the VoIP application from which you wish to record.
Voice Cloak Plus’s exclusive VoIP Recorder will record both the caller (the host) as well as the person being called (the remote voice) and save the recording at a default location. You can hear the recording, analyze it, then save it where you choose. (For real fun, edit the recording for podcasting, burning CDs, or exporting to iPods by using Blaze Audio’s RipEditBurn Plus!)
How to start VoIP recording.
Launch Voice Cloak Plus.
Check the check box option Record VoIP conversation. The Remote volume level meter
will show the volume levels of your VoIP conversation. Note: If this volume level meter does not show any movement, this could mean that Voice Cloak Plus is not able to intercept your VoIP application or there is some other problem.
Click Start Recording and a message appears asking you to Launch the VoIP application and to make sure that the VoIP recording has not yet started.
(You can turn off this message by checking the option Do not show this message again. You can also control the display of messages from the Preferences tab.)
Click OK and another window appears prompting you to choose the VoIP application which you will use for the VoIP conversation.
If the VoIP program you intend to use is not displayed here, please make sure it is launched and then click VoIP Process List.
Now the List box in this window will populate and show the processes running on your machine. Choose your VoIP software in this list and click OK.
Voice Cloak Plus now begins recording. The Record button will be blinking red to indicate that it is recording.
Begin your conversation.
Voice Cloak Plus will show the level of the host voice in the Monitor section and the level of the remote user's voice in the level meters in the VoIP section.
Click Record again to stop recording.
As soon as you stop recording, a window will open automatically showing the audio file of your VoIP conversation.
From this window, you can do the following:
-Select the file, click Play, and listen to the conversation.
-Select the file, click Delete, and remove this conversation.
-Select the file, click Save As, and save the file in a location of your choice.
Remember: Voice Cloak Plus must be running before launching the VoIP application with which you wish to use it.